Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch

A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch
A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch combines natural extract from the mother earth with high technology method. It helps expel toxins in the body easily. It just takes one day to see results, detox foot patch will turn to black after one day of usage and will subsequently turn to lighter tone after a few times of usage.(Colour tone vary based on the amount of toxins in your body.)

PRICE : RM 38 / box of 24 pieces
Buy 4 FREE 1.
A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch main functions:
  • Promotes better sleep, improves constipation, body gas and better body figure.
  • Expel body toxins, purify blood , cure hemorrhoids, skin pigments and body odors.
  • Expel body moist, decrease the pressure of feet and joints.
  • Rejuvenate body cells, improve skin texture.
  • Harmonize body organs function and stabilize blood pressure, blood sugar and blood fat.
Negative Ions helps:
  • Maintains a healthy immune system.
  • Reduce restlessness and lethargy.
  • Help you stay focus and improve productivity.
  • Better mental health.
Direction of usage
1.Remove the major part of the sticker.
2.Attach the foot patch on the sticker. Makesure the part with words is facing the sticker while the porous part is facing your feet.
3.  Remove the minor part of the sticker and fix it on your feet.
4.Let the foot patch stay for 8 – 12 hours. Strongly suggested to be used on at night hence the lympathic system will circulate easier while body remains parallel.
5.  After used, wipe your foot with tissue paper.
Frequency of usage: 2 pcs a day, finish 1 box subsequently after 12 days will be one treatment. Suggested to undergo one treatment every 2-3 months.
According to scientific research and reflexology, you can achieve the result you want based on the placement of foot patch, as shown as in the diagram.
Upper part
Promotes better sleep, headache, nasosinusitis, relief shoulder and neck pain problem.
Middle Part
Reduces water retention(eyes and knees), constipation and varicose veins problems. Most suitable to be used for detoxifying effect.
Lower Part
Reduce menstrual pain, back pain and knee pain.
Ingredients: Bamboo Vinegar, Wood Vinegar, Negative Ions, Tourmaline, Eucalyptus, Agaricus Mushroom, Chitosan, Cornstarch.

A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch FAQ

1. Why Detoxifying our body with A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch?
Detoxification occurs within our bodies on a daily basis. However, our modern day lifestyles introduce a higher amount of unnatural substances into the body that results in the body losing its ability to eliminate these poisonous toxins. More synthetic food processing, more stress, more pollution, all add up. Our bodies don’t know how to handle all the toxins, and don’t know how to get rid of them via the normal detoxification measures. Over a period of time these substances accumulate and will cause various debilitating and chronic conditions.
The result is familiar: vague symptoms that are often overlooked, until more severe illness strikes. Symptoms such as frequent colds, feeling sluggish and tired, allergies, poor skin, coated tongue, bad breath, head pain and feeling ill after eating fats and other food may indicate an impairment in the body’s functional ability without any overt organ damage.

2. How A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch works?
A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch is a gift from God. It combines the power of mother nature and modern technology, removes toxins like mercury and heavy metals out from the body(toxins expel in liquid form, the more “goo-ey” it is, the more severe for the toxins). Hence our feet located at the lowest part of our body, it accumulates all the toxins precipitated in our body systems. Our feet have countless acupuncture points and sweet glands, is regarded as the most suitable place to carry out detoxification process.
The way it expels toxins from the body is through osmosis (process that allows trees to get their nutrients from the ground through their root system, but yet nourish the leaves on their farthest branches). A Romantic Shop detox foot patch contains rich amount of Bamboo and Wood Vinegar, that allow this process to work best.

3. Compare to other brands, What is A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch Advantages?
Traditionally and the earlier generation of detox foot patch is actually focus on expelling toxins only. A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch is rich in negative ions and Far-Infrared. Negative Ions and Far-Infrared helps in maintaining a healthy immune system and improve blood circulation. It also helps in reducing restlessness and lethargy, harmonizing hormonal secretion, staying focus and improving productivity.
By using A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch, you will enjoy the benefits of negative ions and Far-Infrared at the same time while detoxifying your body thus has better mental health.
A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch also has Agaricus Mushroom,an ingredient which helps in weight loss and anti-cancer.
A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch is a great product sold at affordable price compared to other top brands.

4. I tried putting A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch on the wall, why it will turn black too?
This is a common problem for most of the brand. It is the same basic like tea bag, when it touches water, it will turn black. Toxins expelled from body in liquid form, wall contains certain amount of water particles too, it is why they will also turn black. If detox foot patch turn black in this way, you won’t see “goo-ey” substances on the patch unlike on our body. However, many cheap-grade foot patch will let you see the “goo-ey” substances by itself when it touches water. The “goo-ey” stuff is from chemical process in the foot patch.
A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch guarantees our foot patch is of top quality and uses the best ingredients. We also offer money-back-guarantee if you find out the foot patch after used does not contain toxins and heavy metals. You can make sure by taking it to a scientific lab-test. Or you can have a blood test first before used and after a period of time, check it again. You will be surprise by the results!

5. How long and how many foot patches should I wear?
This depends on so many factors, including how often you are exposed to toxins (in your drinking water, food, the air you breathe, the chemicals you ingest, even your carpet may emit toxins!) I would suggest you to use 3-4 boxes at the first time, then for every 2-3 month use one box to maintain.
If you are sick or battling an illness or cancer, it could take more than a year of constant use! But even if you use only few days, you are doing a great service to your body and should be feeling more energy, better sleep, less illness. Hence A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch come with this slogan –Feel energized in 12 days!
Some will see results in a day or two, while others may take several weeks to sense something positive is happening.

6. What if I don’t see anything in my A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch?
A few people don’t seem to get a lot of “stuff” coming out of the feet at night due to a sluggish lymphatic system, and poor circulation. These people would do better to wear the foot patch during the day, to get a fuller benefit from the pumping of circulation through the feet, or to put the foot patch on an hour or two before bedtime, while they are still moving around.

7. What results can I expect to see with A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch?
Reports of more energy, better sleep, clearer and more positive thinking, and relief from all kinds of symptoms, including chronic pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, are common. More and more positive effects are reported from our customer feedbacks such as diabetes, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, bad skin texture, and constipation improved in condition.

Negative Ions Foot Patch Testimonials

Negative Ions Foot Patch Testimonials

Last time I have been selling china made detox foot patch. Now A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch contains high amount of Negative Ions and Infrared, you will feel the difference! Beside detoxifying effect, it enhances spiritual health!!!
Below are my new products good review, its still new and not officially launched yet so we just collected a few. The reviews are from sending sample to past customers, and here is their feeback! Most of the reviews are original in chinese, if you don’t understand chinese you can ask from our customer service.

From a blogger abbymonster, she shared her comments with A Romantic Shop Foot Patch.




One blogger share her experience on A Romantic Shop Detox Foot Patch.

因为在生小小妹后 没做好月子
下雨天前 常常就会腰酸背疼
A Romantic Shop排毒足贴透过高科技
排毒足贴也释放负离子 让身体吸收
一小包的足贴 真的很方便
打开包装纸 把它黏在胶贴上 就可以贴在脚底下了
哈哈 先前不是说想解除腰酸背疼的问题嘛
哪知道 看到把足贴贴在脚底中部的位置的功效
嘻嘻 女人啊~ 那些疼痛都忘光光料~
便秘和静脉曲张问题 最适合作为普通净化作用
哈哈 我对这个有兴趣
由于突然“阿姨”来拜访我( 来月事)
所以暂时没贴了几天 接下来又继续一个疗程(8天)
第一次贴上时 真的会有一股热气传进脚底
还有那竹碳的味道 闻起来很舒服

隔天早上 贴下来时 真的有点吓倒
整片都黑黑的 还有一些油油的 身体排了很多毒数出来了
虽然我没有便秘的问题 但常常会排得不是很“顺利”
自从贴了排毒足贴 早上起来 便便很顺畅了
嘻嘻 讲这个不会很恶心吧
眼睛变得大又圆的 看起来精神很多
做完了一个疗程 我想12月头再贴
嘻嘻 还好卖家送了我三大包的
下次又有什么意外惊喜 我在和你们分享噢

One Response to “Negative Ions Foot Patch Testimonials”

  1. Zurina Omar 05. Jan, 2011 at 1:27 pm #
    Hi, just dropping buy to put a review on Foot Patch. I bought the Xmas set last month. I’ve tried so many brands of foot patch before, nothing came close to this one. I can feel it working immediately when I first put them on the soles of my feet. A throbbing sensation (no pain), feels like it’s sucking the toxin! After 1 week of usage, definitely I feel lighter. I have water retention issue on my knee and ankle. Guess what? It’s gone now! Thanks for bringing in this great product.